NDT Services: Advanced NDT
Rope Access Inspection

TKS specializes in provided Level 1 and 2 Rope Access Technicians (RATS) qualified in advanced NDT.
Remote Visual Inspection

TechKnowServ now offers RVI (remote video inspection) for internal tank inspection. RVI is a new technology that allows complete internal tank inspection without the need to excavate the tank or use trained manpower for a visual inspection.
Phased Array Ultrasound PAUT

TKS has been performing phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) and time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) for over 15 years on bridge pins, welds and high pressure cylinders.
Magentic Flux Leakage MFL

Wire rope is fatigued through complex stress states over its lifetime and must guarantee the safety of human life and expensive equipment.
Acoustic Emission

Use Acoustic Emission (AE) testing to inspect your pressure vessels in-service. Detect fatigue cracks, corrosion fatigue cracks, stress corrosion cracking and other in-service related flaws.