Well Pad Inspections

Inspections satisfy API 571 Piping Inspection Code:
602, 1002, 1502 flow line
Sour and standard service
Line Pipes Pressure Vessels
Pressure Vessels
Inspections satisfy API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection Code:
Sand Traps
2 & 3-Phase Separators
Heater Treaters
Line Heaters
Dehydration Contact Towers
Coalescing Filter Separators o Surge Tanks
Pressurized Storage Tanks Storage Tanks
Storage Tanks
Acoustic Emission Testing of Valves
Inspections satisfy API 653 & STI SP001 Aboveground Storage Tank Inspection Code: Compliant
Brine Tanks
Slop Tanks
Water Storage Tanks
Fuel Storage Tanks
Continuous Monitoring of Weld Pad Equipment
Wireless UT monitoring in high erosion areas wear blow out occurs
Measurement accuracy of +/- 0.0004”
Record reliable, repeatable and credible material loss due to corrosion and erosion as a function of time
Remotely take readings on demand or on an established reporting schedule
Vibration monitoring and analysis
Wireless vibration and temperature sensors are installed on equipment to track the real-time condition of equipment on the well pad during drilling operations.
Accurate analysis directly predicts system repairs requirements which results in significant cost savings
Leak and Fatigue Crack Detection using Acoustic Emission
Monitor valves for leaks
Detect leaks in real-time
Detect fatigue related flaws